To live we need food, cloths and shelter. For shelter we need houses or a piece of land. Every one demands a secure, safe and peaceful resident. So that we need money. But how does money come from? For money we need to work or we need job. To get suitable job we need skill or education. Besides we need proper training too. We need education to develop ourselves. By providing technical and vocational training large number of our human resources can be converted as skill worker. Insaniyat Foundation Bangladesh is being founded for the above objectives. We help them by providing training( both technical and vocational). We design various projects to help our people. Insaniyat Foundation Bangladesh is a Social organization and taking part in nation building.
Our Vision & Mission
We want to train up our large number of human resources and make them skilled worker. So that they can find jobs as per their skill. We want to make entrepreneur so that they can do business. We want to financially help them to achieve their goal.
About Us
We are a recently founded multi dimensional social welfare services and consultancy based company named Insaniyat BD. Insaniyat BD is a social organisation. We provide the services of education, health, finance and social security. We provide these services to the under privilege population to make them educated, trained up, skilled worker, financially solvent and make them knowledgeable about social awareness.
Contact Us
House-6, Road-31,
Pallabi, Mirpur-12
Dhaka-1600, Bangladesh.
Mobile : +8801711372070
Saturday–Thursday: 9:00AM–6:00PM
Friday: Closed